The integrated development of five large park areas can help Saratov stop the outflow of population and become a modern city, ideally suited for life, work and leisure. And new tourist scenarios will make Saratov even more attractive for long trips for Volga travelers and visitors to the Park of Space Conquerors.


Expansion of functionality will help territories to develop organically, while maintaining their uniqueness. Thus, museums will reveal historical and cultural features, eco-routes will increase the natural value, and business districts will create the basis for the economic growth of Saratov.

Innovation cluster in the business district of the new center of Saratov:

• AgroTechnopark
• Technopark "Ecology"
• Defense industrial technopark
• Aviation Museum
• Museum of Energy of the Volga Region
• Museum of Space

Sports core;
Cultural cluster of the park:

• Cultural Center, Vernacular Museum
• Dispersed history museum
• Fairgrounds - a platform for gastronomic tourism
• Festival Square
• Ecological Museum of the Glebovka River
• Ecolectorium
Sports core;
Cable car;
Cultural cluster of the park:

• Rethinking the exposition of military and civilian equipment in an interactive museum
• Festival Square
• National Village Fair - a platform for gastronomic tourism

Organization of beach infrastructure;
Museum of the Saratov Bridge;
Modern festival venue:

• Observation decks-beacons

Organization of an ecopark;
Upscale resort complex;
Scientific and educational cluster:

• Research Institute
• Cultural and exhibition infrastructure

Tourist port:

• Stops for cruise ships
• Berths
• Cable car

Recreational and entertainment infrastructure:

• Objects of gastronomic tourism
• Yacht Club
• Play yard


The architectural solutions of the airport territory reflect the ideas of retrofuturism - as the embodiment of the dreams of the past about the future. In addition, retrofuturism is organic to Saratov due to its rich space and aircraft building past.


Saratov airport building, 1960

"Vostok-1" - the first spacecraft that lifted a man into near-earth orbit

Amphibious, aerodromeless, highly economical aircraft EKIP, developed in the 80s with the participation of SAZ


The heritage of the Saratov airport - runways and aircraft storage areas - are being updated, integrated into the structure of the area and acquiring new functions.


The theme of space exploration and the personality of Yuri Gagarin is closely related to Saratov: the innovative design of aircraft became the inspiration for the architecture of small forms of the microdistrict.


The architectural appearance of the unique buildings and pavilions is full of references to the style of retro-futurism, which is determined by the memory of the city's aircraft-building past.

The territory development concept is based on the most advanced principles:

  • multifunctionality,
  • a combination of residential and business functions,
  • priority of pedestrian zones and an abundance of green spaces,
  • street retail instead of giant shopping malls,
  • demarcation of public and private territories
  • connectivity of public spaces.

A mix of buildings of different heights and quarters of different densities, a variety of materials and detailing in a modern way reproduce the unique character and variety of buildings in the historical part of Saratov.

Green spaces and squares are integrated into the structure of the district and united into a single recreational network, and unique territories - the runway and former aircraft storage areas - become sports grounds and fairgrounds.


The multi-layered history and culture of Saratov is reflected in a modern landscape park on the territory of a ravine that was once located near the fortress walls. All park points of attraction are united by historical themes and form a dispersed "museum of life in Saratov" in the open air.

"Summer Day" (Old Saratov, Glebuchev Ravine)
Soldatenko Andrey

"Narrow bridge" across the Glebuchev ravine, 1957

The bell factory of the Gudkovs, founded in 1816, was located at the intersection of ul. Voznesenskaya and Veselaya


The new objects, made in wood, reinterpret the traditions of the original wooden architecture that existed in the ravine since the time of the existence of the Saratov Fortress.


New pedestrian connections across the ravine are made by wooden bridges - just like in the old days.


The unique functions and art objects that saturate the walking route contain references to authentic village amusements, traditional life, as well as to some of the Saratov crafts and crafts that are now lost.

Unique spaces and objects are strung on a striking promenade route - "river", and the dominant feature of the park is a bright openwork bridge connecting the location of the lost North Tower and the Dukhosshestvensky Cathedral.

There are several educational pavilions in the park: this will potentially expand the functionality of Saratov museums, support local local history initiatives, organize thematic holidays, fairs of local producers and master classes.

The landscape of the new park is as diverse as possible and includes regular orchards of fruit trees, a system of cascading ponds, a steep ravine with walking trails on the slope and a steppe meadow with red book irises.

The coloristic solution of modern objects is based on the palette of the artist Pavel Kuznetsov, one of the representatives of the Saratov school of painting.

Modern methods of exposition, delicately played out the neighborhood of the private sector with pedestrian zones and the recreated diversity of the landscape allow the visitor to plunge into the authentic atmosphere of "old" Saratov. The immersive effect is achieved through the use of natural materials, a modern rethinking of the characteristic patterns, colors and elements of traditional wooden architecture.


Victory Park becomes the main family park in Saratov, where the connection between generations is reflected. Here residents and guests of the city can spend the whole day: for this, there are many unique cultural, educational, sports and family-oriented activities.

In addition, it was important by architectural methods to achieve a stylistic and visual balance between the solemnity of a military monument, the natural uniqueness and visual diversity of the historic village.

Exhibition of military equipment

View of the Volga river

National village


A peaceful playground with a bright and varied color scheme is being formed on the basis of the existing exhibits. Military equipment is placed in accordance with the scenario routes: the scenario will allow you to study individual episodes, as well as conduct educational programs.


The slope, from which the most impressive view of the Volga opens, is saturated with sports functions and grounds for calm relaxation and contemplation.


The territory of the national village is complemented by an area with a guest house, and the adjacent infrastructure is distinguished by restrained stylistic solutions: this will allow the national village to become a unique tourist attraction and attract new national groups for the exhibition.

  1. Playground "Tank battle"
  2. Thematic area "Air support"
  3. Thematic platform "Artillery. Team 1"
  4. Thematic area "Artillery. Team 2"
  5. Thematic zone "Air battle"
  6. Thematic zone "Crater"
  7. Playground "Yachting in ruins"
  8. Thematic platform "Katyusha"
  9. Themed zone "Landing of the assault force"
10. Playground "Tank Defense"
11. Thematic zone "Air Defense"
12. Obstacle course "Ambush"
13. Thematic zone "Airport"
14. Thematic zone "Armored train"
15. Playground "Sea Battle"
16. Exhibition of agricultural machinery
17. Temple of Alexander Nevsky
18. Observation tower

The monumental complex is being restored in accordance with the plan of the architect Yu. I. Menyakin, and the rethinking of the strict style of modernism of the 80s forms the basis of the modern architecture of the rest of the park.

The objects of the national village are functionally combined with a square with a guest house, where townspeople can hold family celebrations, and residents of the village itself can hold national festivals and holidays.

The western slope of the park is saturated with a sports function: there are ski trails with a sports center, a toboggan run, and a rope park. A panoramic view of the Volga River, unique for the city, and a developed sports infrastructure will make Victory Park one of the centers of active recreation, and for lovers of quiet leisure, a system of walking trails with viewpoints and amphitheaters is being formed on the slope.


Pokrovskie Peski Island is a new unique place for creativity and self-expression, where you can feel complete freedom away from the bustle of the city in the middle of sand dunes and river expanses.

Rest on the island Pokrovskie sands, 1958

Summer Music Festival

Wooden pavilion "Steampunk" in Tallinn


Here you can find many places for wild recreation among the unique natural landmarks and endless sands: campgrounds, beaches, observation decks with picturesque views and hiking trails away from the noise of the city.


The key object of the territory will be a rave platform, which will allow holding musical, sports and other significant events. The combination of the festival function and the unique location of the island can turn it into a significant platform for the entire Volga region.


Observation towers, platforms with picturesque views of the city and modern wooden art objects will be located along the entire length of the island, creating a unique recognizable image of the island.

The island is equipped with the necessary infrastructure for outdoor recreation, and in the central part, in addition to areas for beach leisure and sports, there is a large festival site. High-rise towers with lighting and music equipment, loudspeakers and foam machines will serve as an infrastructure function for events and will become a unique architectural structure.

The main visual dominant of the island, visible from the center of Saratov and from the Engels side, will be the ramp that frames the road bridge and ensures the island's accessibility for cyclists. The ramp is a museum of the Volga, its shape refers to the bends of the river, and an exposition is located along the descent. Here - on the way to the beach - you can go to the gift shop.

A system of bike paths and walking trails permeates the entire island and connects the main points of attraction: the Volga Museum, peat lakes where you can study natural processes, bird nesting sites, panoramic sites, and camping sites.



The architecture of the Green Island reflected the historical heritage and memory of the German republic of the Volga region, wooden houses and river landing stages that flourished here until the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

Green Island is not only a resort island on the shores of the "Saratov Sea", but also a unique zone for exploring the Volga nature.

Engels. Rest House of the Nemrepublic "Udarnik", 1934

Yacht club on the green island, 1880

Iris pseudoair (Red Book species), growing near the reservoirs of the Green Island


On the territory of the Saratov region was the Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic of the Volga Germans. The German style formed the basis for the architectural appearance of the central part of the Green Island.


All kinds of interaction and recreation on the water are collected here: cafes on the water, landing stages, a spa hotel with outdoor pools, green amphitheaters overlooking the river, descents to the water, the beach, viewing platforms on the water, piers and piers, a boat cinema.


Green Island is a unique place where different natural zones coexist in the closest way. Red Book plants and perennial oak forests grow here just a few dozen meters from the Volga. The project carefully emphasizes the beauty of the island and informally, at the right angle, tells the biodiversity of this place.

Most of the island is occupied by a nature reserve, and the landscaped part is full of leisure and educational facilities and recreation centers. There are many boating bases and water sports facilities, as well as a unique on-water cinema. You can come here with your family for a weekend, take a walk with a guided tour of the reserve, listen to a lecture on ecology, or spend a whole vacation renting a house with a bathhouse and your own boat on the banks of the river.