

School is like another world. And the architecture and planning solutions of the school building are designed to create this world. In this project, we divided the school building into various functional blocks and then expanded the blocks to form many different outdoor spaces. For example, primary school courtyards contain playgrounds; they are more intimate, but their number is greater than among high school students; and the sports yard is large and has a functional connection with the sports hall.
All blocks differ in the facades' plasticity and details, but are united by one material — brick. You can find both modern solutions and references to the Soviet aesthetics of creative houses and pioneer camps. By the way, according to the terms of reference, all walls and internal partitions are made entirely of bricks.

Regulatory offsets from the road form a possible development area. The stadium protects the north wing from the road without taking up space from other functions.

The junior and high schools are separate and located in different wings of the building.

The common courtyard has a unifying function. It includes all public functions: a canteen, a library, an assembly hall.



The whole building is divided into separate functional blocks of different heights: sports, educational, administrative, public, etc. Rotated at different angles, they give the impression of a small town or campus, while according to plan the building has a simple and understandable structure. The school is divided into two — junior and senior with separate entrance groups from the central courtyard. Additional entrances from the outer courtyards are also provided.
All public spaces shared by schoolchildren (library, assembly hall, dining room) are concentrated around a central courtyard. If necessary, these spaces can be transformed and use the territory of the yard. For example, you can take tables outside, read in the shade, dine, hold meetings and open concerts. It is assumed that all residents of the district will be able to use this opportunity during the summer holidays.
