The projected territory with an area of 31.5 hectares is located in the Rostov Region (distance from Rostov-on-Don is about 30 km). The nearest settlements in the zone of influence: Rostov-on-Don, Novoshakhtinsk, Novocherkassk, Shakhty and the city of Azov. The distance from the passing M4 highway is 3.5 km. It is easy to turn off the highway and enter the airport.

This is how the idea came up to turn the territory near the Platov airport into a public environment.

Territory development plans

Turn the territory of airport into a park with many related functions. The guests of the park are visitors of the airport, travelers on the M4 highway, and residents of nearby cities who may come here on purpose. The park smoothly flows into the territory of the outlet and works in close connection with it.

The park is divided into separate thematic sections, each with its own characteristics. Moreover, all solutions do not violate the existing transport scheme. At the moment the central part the square has been completed.
